Sunday, September 08, 2002

It's been 10 forevers since I've thrown another script on the grill and served 'er up hot. Sorry. Here's a mediocre treat for those who've been waiting: Erin Goes Braughhh.

A few people have asked me what the story is with the scripts I've posted on my scripts page. No, they're not full-length plays or movie scripts or anything inspirational. They're just little one-pagers I started writing every so often about a year ago to amuse myself and to keep my writing muscles limber. They have *no significance whatsoever*. I'm not trying to sell any of them. I'm not copyrighting any of them. I really don't even mind if people steal them and claim them as their own (on the contrary, I'd probably be a little flattered). They're not really a representation of me or my serious work or any of that, either. It just tickles me to do them.

"But what's the point?"

Uh. Well, I don't know. I think I was originally inspired by Sam Brown (of people email him words or phrases and he does a 10-minute stick-figure drawing based on the "titles" people send in... while simple and child-like, there's something mesmerizing about his little pictures and how he approaches each entry) and Scott McCloud (comic book scribe and theorist... author of the most intelligent discussion of the comics medium that's ever gone to press: Understanding Comics - buy it, especially if you have little interest in comics. You'll never look at Archie & Jughead the same again. But, I digress... McCloud also has a website in which his fans send in possible "titles" for comic strips and he'll choose the ones he likes best and draw a comic strip around the title suggestion. Since he works on it every day, he calls it "The Morning Improv").

Anyhow, I thought, well... if these guys can do it with stick-figures and comic strips... why can't I do it with scripts? I had the idea of having friends and family and acquaintances sending me possible titles for these surreal little oddments and I'd then write little 1-minute scripts around the title and post them somewhere. Since I don't exactly have what some might consider a clamoring audience, though, I've had to come up with all of the titles myself... and that's how it works, usually: a phrase or title will pop into my brain and I'll write a script around it. No pre-planning or plotting.

But, I suppose... for those who would like to suggest possible titles... send them in! You could be the proud parent of a Jeremy Bear original! My only request is that the titles be kept short and fairly abstract, if you're interested. Sometimes I try to make it a double-entendre or some other vain attempt at cleverness, but it's not a prerequisite. So, be a good lad or lass and kick those titles on over to You'll receive full credit next to your title if I use it, so don't worry about that.

Creative collaboration is most fun when it’s totally pointless, that’s what I always say.


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