Thursday, October 03, 2002

I'm very, very annoyed right now with Seanic.

Deep breaths. In. Out. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10...

Seanic does my hosting, see. They're the folks that keep up and running. In theory, anyhow. As of this moment, my website is defunct and God alone knows when anyone will be able to read this blogger again. So, essentially, I'm not posting an update right now, I'm typing nothing into thin air. It's therapy. This isn't an entry in the Blog... it's more like a dirge. I'm mourning the loss of my presence on the information superhighway.

Okay, that's a bit dramatic, but I'm still very very pissed. Right now, a very retarded-looking placeholder page greets visitors to my site. The sad thing is, it's not even a placeholder for my own homepage, it's a placeholder for someone else's. It encourages visitors that some website called is coming soon. (by the way appears to be some sort of online hardware retail store... what???).

Not only that, but my email is fritzed. It's all very ridiculous. Hhh...

I suppose it could be worse, though... after all...

No, forget it. I'm not going to give these people the benefit of the doubt. I'm annoyed and enraged and I can't get at my email and I can't update my site and I can't transfer files through FTP and it's all because Seanic wasn't able to keep their promise of %99.9 uptime. It's been the better part of a day (I discovered this issue before going to bed last night). Typically, it's a couple hours a week or a half-day a month that things go screwy with my email or with my site, but it's never been this bad. Oooh, this is very upsetting. Big as life, right on their homepage, it says "GUARANTEED 99.9% UPTIME OR MORE"... Guaranteed? Oh really? Or what, my money back? Well, lay some cash on me, baby.

By the way, I think it's significant that Seanic's own site ( isn't down. Apparently, they don't trust their own server to host their own site, or they'd be down as well.

Oooooooohhhhhh, this is such a pisser.

On a lighter note, today was Carey's first day of work. Training actually. She's on her way home now. Congratulations, Care.

Not that anyone can read this.



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