Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Today I woke up and wrote a few emails and uploaded a few designs to my website so that clients could view them. I drove to work and arrived 10 minutes late due to traffic on the freeway.

Today I organized a few of the files on my hard drive. I brainstormed with a colleague on ideas for animated banner ads for computer routing technology. I drew sketches in my sketchbook. I created a few new designs and edited an animated sequence I created last week.

Today I went with my wife to a Christian couples group and met several folks that were a lot like us. I prayed a bit, talked a bit, listened a bit. I talked a little business, cracked a couple of jokes.

Today I fought with my wife about trivial things like parking and not-so-trivial things like her lack of trust in me and my lack of sensitivity toward her.

And today I listened to the President tell us that we're at war.

Before I go to bed tonight, I'll apologize to my wife. I'll probably read to distract myself. I may even pray a bit. Tomorrow, I'll do a bit more drawing and designing. I'll write a few emails to important people about important things like ad copy and color schemes. I'll visit about 50 times throughout the day. I'll eat lunch and listen to the radio and play with the cats and watch a little TV and piss and sleep and shower and change my underwear and all the normal things that I do every day.

But we'll still be at war tomorrow. And people will most assuredly die tomorrow. And we'll still have distilled water and soap and dried fruit in my office, Just In Case. And everyone everywhere will all be talking about the exact same thing.

And years from now, I'll look back on today and forget what a stupid, ordinary day it was. I'll forget all about the little things like banner ads and arguments and being 10 minutes late. I'll probably shake my head at my present ignorance and optimism or maybe my pessimism. Years from now, I'll probably sleep much easier than I will tonight.

And... and I don't know. I guess that's all.



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