Saturday, August 02, 2003

Got a big, flaming haircut this morning (remember Blu?) and... er... goodbye long hair. Actually, it's a little upsetting because I gave pretty specific instructions on the matter.

"Wow... that's a lot shorter. I, uh... didn't think I was going that short."

"Yeah, I know that's what you said, but when I started cutting I realized that you would look better this way, so I just kind of kept cutting. What do you think?"

I think I look like a Long Beach lesbian with a goatee. Ugh. Well, I guess that's life. If there's one thing that's temporary, it's hair. Carey hasn't gotten home yet, so the Boss hasn't had the chance to weigh in on the matter. I hope my sister doesn't mind having a dude in her wedding party that looks like a dyke.


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