Sunday, March 14, 2004

A movie for Christ's sake!

Just returned home from finally seeing the Passion of the Christ.

Without question, the most powerful moment in the film was when Jesus, bloody, beaten, scourged, utterly ravaged, hanging on the cross... lifts his head, looks at the audience and slowly whispers, "...why would you take your three-year-old to watch this, dumb-ass?"

I immediately stood for an ovation. Because, seriously, that kid never shut up and what kind of brain-dead parents are taking their wee ones to this flick? Did it occur to them that... I don't know... maybe the subject matter is A LITTLE TOO INTENSE FOR A TODDLER?

Okay, some sincerity...

This is a truly astonishing film. I'd heard this described as everything from "a life-changing spiritual experience" to "a two hour ass-kicking", so I went in with moderate expectations, fully expecting it to be better than what the harshest critics were describing, but not quite so stunning as what the biggest fans had experienced.

But, man, this thing is a work of art. Beautiful. Harsh. Towering. Personal. It's the portrait of Jesus I've had in my mind for years and this is the first time I've ever seen an actor really nail it. The story was as fresh and alive and horrifying as I'd ever imagined (and, being raised in a Christian home, I've been given more than my fair share of opportunities to imagine it).

And as for weighing in on the controversy... all I can say is... "eh?" What controversy? Where's the anti-Semitism? The racism? The elitism? I really didn't see any of it. You'd have to be a professional contortionist to bend anything in that film against any people group. Why is this such an uproar? The material's been there for 2000 years in the most printed, most quoted, most studied, most influential piece of literature in recorded human history... why is everyone acting like the content is some big flaming surprise?

Anyhow, it's a great experience and one that I'm glad I had a few weeks to prepare for. I guess I'm saying... er... believe the hype. Or don't. I don't know. See this film.


One Kitty to Rule Them All (pt. 2)

Let's face it, who's still thinking about the Oscars? Hooray for Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, I guess, as if anyone suspected that anything else would come close to being last year's big winner (though, I have to admit, I didn't expect it to SWEEP EVERY FRIGGIN' CATEGORY IN WHICH IT WAS NOMINATED. Jeezow).

Anyhow, big surprise, I love the Oscars, even if it means enduring the syrupy-sweet red carpet walk, sitting through the dumb categories that no one gives a hoot about, and Billy Crystal. What can I say? I love everyone fawning over Jack Nicholson, the "Look Who Died Last Year" montage, the cheeseball impromptu performances, the pomp, the... uhn... the... circumstance?


Anyhow, just as Steven Spielberg was about to announce the award for best picture, I heard Carey shriek. "GAHHH! WHAT'S WRONG WITH GILBERT?!"

Fast forward several hours and we're at the 24 hour emergency vet hospital. It's nearly 3 in the morning and the doc finally calls us back to examine our poor kitty's x-rays... yeah. Who knows how he did it, but young Master Gilbert had somehow torn a ligament in his back-left leg. He's been limping ever since.

Doc suggested we keep him apart from Calliope, as they do tend to get rambunctious and the problem could be aggravated if he runs around and plays and jumps too much. So, he was locked in the office for several days and... yeah, okay, I'll say it... the guy gets very desperate and lonely when he's alone at night, so... (am I really going to admit this? Hhh...) Carey and I inflated the air mattress and took turns sleeping in the office for the better part of the week.

I know. Look, Dad, I know. No, seriously, I KNOW.

He's doing better and the doc says he'll likely avoid surgery with the anti-inflammatory meds we've had him on. Carey is taking him for a checkup tomorrow. Good luck, Gilb.

I spent all day Friday doing layouts for yet another Playstation 2 game. There's a good chance that I won't get to illustrate this one (they may pass my thumbnails onto a 3-D artist for the actual cover artwork, which would be kind of a bummer), but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I had such a blast with Future Tactics (due out in 2.5 weeks), I'd love to do it again.

In the meantime, another Playstation game is going to hit the stands in a few weeks called "StrikeForce Bowling". I didn't do the cover artwork (that was handled by my terribly talented buddy Chad Meshek), but I did do the logo. So, you know. That's something.

And the Spanish Inquisition obsession continues. I'm mowing through material on this like a man possessed. What's happened to me? I never used to care about history, particularly European history. I can't get enough!

Any leads? Any books? Any recommendations? ANYTHING ON THE SPANISH INQUISITION, I want it. Tell me. Please. I'm really into this stuff.


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