Tuesday, December 07, 2004

O Cashmas Tree

This week's Who-Gives-A-Crap-Other-Than-Me Landmark Moment: for the first time in about three years, I was forced to put on a coat.

For some reason, southern California is beginning the coldest winter in recent history and, boy, are Carey and I ever feelin' it. Granted, not snow-level temperatures, but we were told that it dropped to the high 30s over the weekend.

Ripoff! Why'd we move here anyway?!

To make matters worse, our heater is broken, which hasn't ever been much of a problem before. But, now, we rely on our gas fireplace to warm the place up. While romantic and rustic, it doesn't do such a great job of keeping everyone toasty. What's worse, it's not safe to keep it burning while we're away, so we often come home to living room-style flurries and icicles hanging from our cats' angry little noses.

Anyhow, coats on and hoods up, we trudged over to the Christmas tree lot Sunday night and picked out a tree. It had been raining for the past couple of days, so the lot attendants looked miserable. Hey, I don't blame 'em.

Carey and I have been using the same Christmas tree supplier since we moved here. Granted, they're slightly pricey, but the trees are straight and beautiful and (our favorite perk) for an extra five bucks, they fix a disposable base and sealed watering reservoir to each tree, no fuss. We can literally take the tree home, set it down and... done.

Hoofah, though, man, HOOFAH! those prices. For some reason I had it in my head that the whole operation cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $50-60, but no way. Including the tip for the attendant, that thing set us back nearly $90!

Happy Birthday, Jesus.



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