Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Way behind on my title suggestions, here. Sorry to those who've sent them in and are patiently waiting to see their words made flesh. Also (since it's apology fever around here lately), a few have complained that my 'submit a title' form on my homepage (and on my scripts page) kind of goofs out and doesn't always send the title. Well... not sure what to say other than... sorry. My form-coding skills are a bit lacking and it looks as if I'll need to enlist the aid of a cgi-whiz to help me out with that particular issue. So, if there's one out there... help!

Anyhow, I decided to spew out a less-than-stellar attempt (but how 'bout an E for effort?), but an attempt nonetheless. This one comes from a little lady I'm proud to call my sister. Title suggestion by Lauren Bear, this one's called Drive-Thru. It was actually inspired by real-life events. Someone attempted to hit on my wife in the DMV parking lot the other day... just two hosers, hanging out, waiting for someone to hit on... the DMV parking lot! What kind of losers...! Sheesh. Anyhow... Thanks, sis, for the title. You're a champ. (For those who don't know, Lauren is going to be engaged soon. It's a secret, though, so don't tell anyone.)

Actually, this is Two-fer Wednesday in the script department. On a message board that I frequent, a debate was recently raging about the asinine comments of Jerry Falwell. It wasn't a debate, I guess, so much as an argument about whether or not someone like Falwell should be allowed to speak in public. The whole thing was ridiculous, so, me being me, I decided to mock them by writing my impression of the discussion thusfar. I've posted it here: Jerry Who? .

That's all for now. I need to get my rest. After all, I've got work (gulp) in the morning.


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