Friday, November 08, 2002

First off, my wife requested that her script suggestion be left up for a full week before rolling over to the next one. Well, week's up, Care. You're OUTTA here. In with the new and fresh...

The latest title comes from our very own rosy-cheeked man of the cloth, Michael Bischof. A pastor by trade, he opted to be the next in line to watch his sincere suggestion irreverently trampled and misused. From his mind to my fingers to your eyes, it's called A New Kind of Church and it's slightly more entertaining than Tuesday's election. Thanks, Michael.

Well, it seems that I spoke too soon a month or two ago when I complained about the lack of rain here in So-Cal. The last day and a half has been wetter than ever. Rain rain rain and it just keeps coming. Radio DJs are, of course, acting like it's the First Horseman of the Apocalypse. Meanwhile, I'm just happy I don't have to wash my car this weekend. But it's a nice change of pace, this wet weather. I'd nearly forgotten what it was like to walk through a puddle in sandals (still feels cold and dirty!).

Carey is really really happy with her new job. In the beginning, she dreaded going back to serving to the point of illness, but she's apparently made a whole load of swell friends there. They're always calling on the phone, asking her to go out with them and whatall. It's sort of like having a teenage daughter, I think. "Hello, Carey's answering service. No, I'm sorry, she's not in, but can I pencil you in for a phone call return tomorrow eveing? It's the soonest opening we've got."

Here's the big debate recently: spend $150 on fixing our DVD player or spend $175 on a new one? I'm honestly torn. It's been many moons since we've had DVD and, for a media moron like myself, it's difficult to keep my sanity. I dunno.

And, I'm still getting reports of folks taking my book recommendations to heart. I can't tell you how gratifying this is. Although, I must admit, I'm always a bit unsure what sorts of books to recommend. I don't want to be a culture snob, nor do I want to be a pop-schlock fanboy. I don't want to recommend books that everyone has already read, but at the same time, I don't want to get too obscure. Ah, who cares. I'll just recommend stuff that I like. People can think what they will.

Just, please, don't hate me. Or think me unintelligent. Or anything negative. I'm fragile, you see. Very fragile.


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