Thursday, November 07, 2002

So, I uploaded our church's website last night. It can be found here:

It's very satisfying to design a website, then carry it through into completion. I always enjoy the feeling of typing that email to a client: "Your website is live. Go look at it." This one was an interesting challenge. A very minimalist design approach to coincide with the mission of the church. It was a lot of fun hunting around for the iconic photography that appears all over the site. I may do others along that vein.

Of course you can only truly call yourself a web designer when, in the course of assembling your portfolio, you visit an old site that you were particularly fond of... only to find it either completely trashed with ugly pictures and text or redesigned completely... hhh. It's the refining fires of digital media design, my friends. Test your mettle

Very exciting things happening. As it turns out, the "Drunken Monkey" contest has led to all sorts of wonderful emails to and fro between myself and a few legitimate creators. There's a decent chance that I'll be working on a bona-fide comic book in the near future. May not happen (and I'm reluctant to post anything more concrete than that at this time), but we'll see. I'm optimistic. Whatever the case, I'll be faithful about updates with that. Also, I'll try to post artwork from time to time.

Jeez. A real comic.

Speaking of posting artwork, days continue to slip through my fingers and I keep living with this dread in the back of my mind about the portfolio section of my site. It's pretty antiquated and the layout is goofy and I'm generally sick of looking at it in it's current state, but I can't seem to carve out a couple of hours to throw in my new stuff, chop out the old and slap a new coat of paint on the whole thing. I will, though... I will!

I've been doing some really cool work lately for a really cool client. Unfortunately, it's all under a non-disclosure agreement, so I can't post the work and I can't say who it is. It's driving me a bit loopy. Not that I'm frustrated with the client, mind you... it's just my prerogative to blow it out there for the world to see whenever I do something I'm particularly proud of. Well, c'est la vie.


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