Thursday, October 10, 2002

Red-letter day. I mean it. Death of an old era, really. Hhh...

First of all, today I began at Binary Pulse. Met some delightful people and even dove right into a project right off the bat. I was immediately impressed by the whole crew and I'm happy to have landed at such a snazzy shop. In a way, it's a shame it's only part-time, even though that's what I told them I'd prefer. Not that I'm complaining, mind you, but how often is it that one enjoys their first day anywhere?

But, that wasn't the death of an era. This is:

Those that know me well know that, since high-school, I've had a very quirky accessory to my wardrobe. My wallet is always on a chain. I wore the chain before it was cool to do so, while it was briefly cool to do so, then continued on long after it had ceased to be cool to do so. The sentimental reason for this has to do with my late Grandpa Bear and how his wallet was always on a chain and I guess, in a weird way, always having my wallet chained to me reminded me to attempt to live the way he lived: quietly, with integrity. Working hard. Sacrificing for those he loved most. Always learning, and never giving up.

The other reason for the chain wallet was because I'm notoriously forgetful and disorganized. I'd have lost my cash and ID countless times by now without the chain. To be honest, the second reason was probably the biggest one. No offense, Grandpa, if you're reading this up in Heaven (where I'm certain all Internet hook-ups are T3 lines, even if there are content filters all over the place... but I digress).

Anyhow, sitting in the car this morning, taking a breath before walking into a new job in a new state, beginning a new life... I made a snap decision. I removed the chain.

No, seriously. I removed the chain.

Big whup, I know. But it was exactly like giving up a 10 year habit. I got married in that chain! But, the more I look at it lately, the less the chain seems like me. Lately, I've hated the sound of it jangling around when I walk. I've grown tired of it clattering onto the counter when I open my wallet to pay for groceries. It's become a hinderance. I don't care for how I look in it. So, now, it's gone.

And, while a little sad... it's actually a relief.


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