Monday, March 24, 2003

Because you would have DEMANDED it had you thought of it, we've added a very special new segment to the online Blogger: the interviews!

That's right, Jer asks the questions other reporters shy away from! (The only journalist in the business unafraid to end his sentences in prepositions. Dare to compare... you'll see!)

Our first interviewee is a fellow I've come to know rather well over the past 26-odd years or so - my Dad, Randy Bear. Dad and my sister, Lauren, took wing to Southern California for the weekend and the old guy agreed to answer the questions that are on everyone's lips. Without further ado...

JER: So, welcome, what brings you out to California? Just up for a little fun in the sun?

DAD: Well, yes… I thought it would be a good time for Lauren and I to come and pay a visit since I haven’t seen you and the Carebear since November. Sheesh… NOVEMBER! Where has the time gone? And there’s a chance we won’t get to see you again until, what, August? And Lauren, that little button, hasn’t seen the sights and sounds of the LA area, so opportunity knocked and we answered.

And we're glad you did. Hoh-pah! What about the trip out here? Eventful?

Hmmmmmmmm… to say the least. First of all, security was tighter than, well, it was very tight. Had to stand in a very long line while security people looked in our bags, checked our shoes, pockets… you name it. So off we were to Chicago for the 1st leg of the trip. And surprise, surprise, we had an hour and a half delay in Chicago due to what they called “plane availability.” Go figure. Finally, after boarding a plane something like unto the size of Peoria, we were off to LA. Lauren and I, of course, were stuck in the very back row of this behemoth of an airplane. Row # 243 or something like that I think. Couple all of that with rotten food, a screaming kid directly in front of us, and all the bumpiness that the tail end of the plane brings and we just had a picnic.

Well, we all have to endure a slice of Hell to enjoy a heap o' Heaven. Or something like that. Anyhow, moving on... I’m going to cut to the chase, here… you’ve recently had some exciting developments in your life, haven’t you? What are they and how much can you tell us?

Whatever could you mean, Jer? Well, let me just get right to it. I have for the past year and a half have been enjoying what I have come to realize is the absolute love of my life. Yessir; what a blessing God has bestowed upon me to be sure. So finally, after much thought and debating with myself, I “dropped de knee and popped de rock.” And what a good decision it was as well! My precious Pat is more than any man deserves. We just have to find us a preacher-man to hitch us up sometime reasonably soon and we’re good to go.

Any nervousness? Jitters?

What… me? Nervous? Surely you jest. Nah… the nervousness came before I popped the big question. Now that that’s done, I have perfect peace about the whole thing. Not that it wasn’t a little bit of a rough road getting to where I am… but yup, I got peace like a river. Never mind that her folks are both flaming democrats… which I’m sure will make for some interesting Thanksgiving dinner conversation. I’m past that (finally), and ready to make a life of it.

As if being a democrat weren't burdensome enough... but "flaming" besides? Zounds! God be w'ye! So, what else is going on right now? As I understand it, you’re considering a fairly large purchase in the near future. Is that correct and what is it… or, I guess, more accurately, where is it?

Yup, there’s no doubt about that one. Gonna be puttin’ the ‘ol homestead in Hartville up for sale and my little buddy Skip and I will be moving in with Pat and 2 of her stellar children; Mike (truly a stud of a young man) and Kris (a walking Babe-fest if there ever was one, at least according to the 8th grade boys in Wadsworth), and Ripples the wonder dog in beautiful (?) Wadsworth, Ohio. Well, at least we’re fairly sure it’ll be Wadsworth. You see, Pat needs to sell her homestead as well.. so all of this may be a bit easier planned than practiced. But here’s hoping (and praying) all goes well. Destiny calls.

"Stud"? "Babe-fest"? Very creepy, Dad. Very, very creepy. Hie thee hence to college, Kris. Double-quick! Anything else you’d like to say to the readership out there? This is, after all, your big moment.

Nah, not much else. I’m just looking forward to getting on with life with my precious one (a term formerly reserved only for Erin and Lauren). But more immediately looking forward to tomorrow in LA with Jer, the Carebear, and Lauren. And what a day we have planned. Complete with Leno, Hollywood, the Chinese Theatre, Beverly Hills… you name it. We’re going to have a time of it in southern California. Can’t wait, can’t wait. So, as they say, that’s the news from Lake Wobegon, where… well, you know the rest.

And that'll do it for this premier installment of the interviews! Thanks for joining us, Pop, and be sure to check in with us again soon!

And much thanks to my dwindling audience for reading. Join us next time as I try to snag an interview with other influential figures in contemporary American culture such as, I don't know, my sister I guess or maybe a cousin or our mailman. Catch the Feeling!


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