Wednesday, March 17, 2004

An' a Happy St. Patty's t'Ye!

Happy Irish Day, everyone. I've downloaded and displayed a shamrock for you to look at because I love you so. And they said didn't care! Pah! Regard!

A very special shout out to the inlaws, who have just enough Irish in them to be dangerous (though something tells me they're passing on the green beer this year). Faith an' Begorrah! Erin go Bragh! Top o' the Mornin'! Red hearts, yellow stars, green clovers, blue diamonds, purple horseshoes!

As it turns out, little Gilbert didn't have a majorly-torn ligament, he had a minorly-fractured bone in his leg. Still have no idea how it happened, but a surgeon took a gander at the little fellow's x-rays and confirmed it. So, we're doing our best to keep him calm for the next five weeks or so.

Some very cool and interesting links, courtesy of Neil Gaiman's website:

- First of all, Dr. Stephen Unwin, a risk assessor in Ohio of all places, seems to have calculated the odds of God's existence at approximately 67%, which is good to know. And all my Christian schooling taught me that the evidence isn't quantifiable, it's wholly a faith issue... shows what they know! Turns out God has a slightly better chance of being For Real than George W. has in November, according to the latest polls. My favorite part of the article:
Despite his findings, Dr Unwin maintains that he is personally around 95% certain that God exists.
Which is sort of funny. "Jesus, I admit I'm a sinner and I'm reasonably convinced only you can save me. Please come into 19/20ths of my heart, dear Lord, and the odds are well in your favor that I'll follow you during the vast majority of my remaining days. Probably."

- Second, my wife and I had a disagreement this morning about a quote that may or may not have been attributed to Abraham Lincoln. Thanks to this site (full of interesting quotes from famous people of today and yesteryear), it seems she was right all along. I spent way too much time here today when I should have been working.

- Third, ever been waiting at a cross-walk, impatiently hitting that button? Ever thought, "you know, I wouldn't be suprised if pressing this thing doesn't make a bit of difference. These things are probably on their own timers anyhow." Well, as it happens, your worst fears are confirmed... It seems that many "buttons" that we think are working... really aren't. Yikes.

- Fourth, I was delighted to discover that a whopping 45 episodes of my favorite childhood variety program, The Muppet Show, are available on DVD. Unfortunately, this doesn't include the one episode my mom taped and played ad nauseum for my sisters and me when we were bouncing off the walls (the Anne Murray episode, of course). Still, I may just order these if the price ever goes down... er, dramatically.

All in all, not a bad batch of links. Thanks, Neil!


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