Thursday, October 26, 2006

Dude Gone Mad

As it turns out, the new copywriter at the agency where I do my day work is a minor internet celebrity.

No, really, I'm not kidding. A blog star, if there is such a thing. Danny Evans is his name and his daily hit count is, I understand, somewhere up in the four digits. He sells adspace and merchandise and he has real-live fans. When he writes about his kin, he uses pseudonyms out of necessity. I asked him how he does it and he told me, "I don't know. I post nearly every day, that helps. I just started writing about being a dad and people thought what I had to say was clever."

And it is:

The other day, he asked me if it would be okay to link to me. I told him, No thanks, I don't think I'm ready. Have to tidy the place up a little first.

Anyhow, give him a visit. And tell him old Slappy J sent ya.

Boy, it's some kind of day when you watch a video proving one of your greatest heroes is not only a genius, but a seriously disturbed, Satan-loving lunatic as well. Get a load of Grant, if you've got the stomach:

Do not, under any circumstances, drive to the store and buy a copy of The Information. Trust me. It's not worth it. You're definitely going to want to download it instead.

Don't hesitate. Possibly Beck's best album in nearly a decade.

And while you're at it, snag yourself a copy of The Tragic Treasury. The perfect choice for any Merritt fan. Or Lemony Snicket fan. Or both. Or neither.

Go on. Splurge. You've worked hard.

Remember Dina Babbitt? Apparently, the battle rages on to have her art returned to her. It looks as if the cartoonists' petition has grown to over 450 names.

Strange to see my name listed among so many talents I grew up admiring.

And finally, you've probably heard the legend: the notoriously wordy Hemingway was once challenged to write a novel with all the depth, intricacy, subtlety and nuance of a full-blown novel in as few words as possible. Eventually, he emerged with his opus... a novel with only six words: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn."

Wired decided to offer the challenge to a few other authors of note: the six-word novel. The results are pretty interesting. A few are downright fantastic.

Go have a read.

And good night.



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