Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Extra-special thanks to the ultra-matron herself, the divine dame, the magnificent marm, the before-there-was-Martha-Stewart, Ms. Suzette Wolfe of Akron, Ohio. Her title is the latest script, so go have a gander: Big Red and the Liar.

On Saturday I decided it was time for a change. My hair is now a glorious shade of absolute black. I think I've officially become a fan of hair dye (although I'm beginning to suspect I'm a bit allergic). I haven't decided whether or not black is me... to be honest, I don't think it looks quite right sitting on top of my head... but, whatever. The wife likes it and, let's be honest, does anything really matter beyond that?

Saturday was also my company's Christmas party, which was actually a lot of fun. Even though my job search took a few months, it's becoming more and more obvious that I'm really very lucky. Everyone I work for and with is an absolute joy and it's always a privilege to watch wonderful people get drunk around you.

Over the weekend, I also managed to complete a landmark personal goal in my design career: my very first all-Flash website. Hoh, yes. Now, to the average joe, this means nothing. But, let me assure you: Flash is one of those wonderful animation programs that allows you to do just about anything. A whole website using this technology is no small feat. Well, it's no small feat for me, anyhow. In fact, since I think the "Drunken Monkey" feature on the homepage has worn out its welcome at this point, I'll change it to this latest project. I'll link it up when it's all live.

We still don't have a friggin' Christmas tree. This is gross irresponsibility on my part. Carey has been hounding me about it for a couple of weeks, but it's so hard to carve out a few hours for the sake of the Spirit of The First Noel. This week, we'll do it. We must. Baby Jesus has given the call... can we deny Him?

Occasionally, I'll come across a website that's so über-cool, I'll make a mental note to mention it in the Blogger, but I always forget when the time comes. Well, I can't help but give this one a shout-out... BMW hired the Godfathers of Hollywood to direct a series of short films featuring their automobiles, freely downloadable on the web. These things are incredible. Of course, with directors like Tony Scott, John Woo, Guy Ritchie, Ang Lee, John Frankenheimer, and others... I'd expect no less. Absolutely brilliant. After viewing them, it made me want to sell my family for a BMW. Now that's advertising.

Here's the link:


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